Takeshi "Polymar" Yoroi

Takeshi Yoroi

Shin Hurricane Polymar
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Hurricane Polymar
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Infini-T Force
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Infini-T Force Movie: Gatchaman - Saraba Tomo yo
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Takeshi Yoroi (鎧武士)

Yoroi Takeshi is a highly skilled martial artist, trained in the art of Ha Ri Ken (Internal Destructive Fist) Karate. When wearing his suit he has superhuman speed, strength, & agility, and he is immune to bullets, heat, and poisonous gasses. His suit is made of memory plastic which enables him to assume any shape, each which is stored in his helmet's memory. Among the different shapes are the Polymar Machine (race car), Polymar Drill (underground burrowing vehicle), Polymar Hawk (jet), Polymar Grandplus (submarine), and Polymar Roller (tank). The Hurricane Polymar TV show first aired in 1974.

He likes to finish fights as quick a possible due to time limit his polymer suit has.

Voice Actors
Okiayu, Ryoutarou
Sogabe, Kazuyuki
Suzumura, Kenichi
Roye, Nicolas
Fernandez, Alex

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